Each province and territory has a Labour Mobility Coordinator (LMC) whose job is to promote the implementation and ongoing adherence to Labour Mobility provisions of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA). This can involve interacting with regulatory bodies to assist them in understanding and complying with Labour Mobility obligations and to resolve issues that certified workers may have in getting their certification recognized. Since the implementation of the CFTA, Labour Mobility Coordinators have been working with regulatory bodies to remove mobility barriers for certified workers moving to another Canadian province/territory.

LMCs also regularly communicate with their counterparts in other jurisdictions to prevent and/or resolve Labour Mobility issues. This work is conducted in cooperation with regulatory bodies.

LMCs from all provinces and territories are members of the Labour Mobility Working Group (LMWG), which was established by the Forum of Labour Market Ministers (FLMM) to support the coordination, implementation and monitoring of Labour Mobility provisions under the Canadian Free Trade Agreement, and to develop consistent interpretation of these provisions and ensure their proper application across the country.

The LMCs are responsible for:

  • addressing questions and Labour Mobility concerns from certified workers;
  • interacting with regulatory authorities and officials in other government ministries to support the recognition of out-of-province/territory certified workers; and
  • assisting with the processes for reconciliation of occupational standards to the extent possible and where practical.