Governments have posted exceptions to Labour Mobility for a small number of occupations where there are significant variations in occupational standards between some provinces and territories. Exceptions are only approved when these variations result in significant differences in the skills, knowledge or ability required to function in the occupation, resulting in a scope of practice difference that could pose an actual risk to the public, environment or consumers.  In these few cases, regulatory bodies are allowed to impose additional requirements to a worker already certified in another province or territory (examples include examinations, training or courses). However, there are conditions placed on these additional requirements.  They cannot be more restrictive than what is necessary to protect the public, environment or consumers and they cannot create a disguised barrier to Labour Mobility for certified workers coming from other provinces or territories.

For example, in some provinces, dental hygienists give injections for dental freezing. Dental hygienists elsewhere in Canada may not have to do this as part of their job.  So, to practice dental freezing in those provinces where this is a part of everyday practice for dental hygienists you may need to take additional course work and training on dental freezing if this is not something you do already in your province or territory.

Click here for a complete list of approved Labour Mobility exceptions by occupation or by province/territory.